Air New Zealand flights to Christchurch (CHC) from

You've come to the right place to find our cheapest flight prices to Christchurch.

At Air New Zealand, we offer more direct Christchurch flights than any other airline.

Find the best fares to Christchurch by selecting your travel dates in the fare finder above. Or scroll through the airfares displayed below to find the best prices or to check flight availability. Prices shown below are per person, one-way.

We look forward to flying you to Christchurch in the South Island, one of New Zealand's most beautiful cities.

Compare & book Air NZ flights to Christchurch (CHC) departing in the next 90 days


Auckland (AKL)to

Christchurch (CHC)
Depart: 18 Jun 2024
Refreshed: 9 hrs ago
Per person, one way

Auckland (AKL)to

Christchurch (CHC)
Depart: 25 Jun 2024
Refreshed: 9 hrs ago
Per person, one way

Wellington (WLG)to

Christchurch (CHC)
Depart: 06 Jun 2024
Refreshed: 12 minutes ago
Per person, one way

Wellington (WLG)to

Christchurch (CHC)
Depart: 28 May 2024
Refreshed: 12 minutes ago
Per person, one way

Queenstown (ZQN)to

Christchurch (CHC)
Depart: 12 Jun 2024
Refreshed: 4 hrs ago
Per person, one way

Queenstown (ZQN)to

Christchurch (CHC)
Depart: 17 Jun 2024
Refreshed: 4 hrs ago
Per person, one way

Dunedin (DUD)to

Christchurch (CHC)
Depart: 02 Jul 2024
Refreshed: 6 hrs ago
Per person, one way

Dunedin (DUD)to

Christchurch (CHC)
Depart: 10 Jul 2024
Refreshed: 6 hrs ago
Per person, one way

*Fares displayed have been available for flights searched within the last 24 hours and may not currently be available at time of booking. Flights may not be available at peak times or on all flights. Additional fees, including service/card payment fees may apply. Other terms and conditions may also apply.

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Flights to Christchurch related FAQs

When is the cheapest time of year to fly to Christchurch?

Christchurch flight prices vary day by day, depending on demand. The easiest way to find the cheapest time to fly to Christchurch is by using our fare finder at the top of this page. When booking, bear in mind that school holidays and Christmas and Easter periods can be more expensive. Remember, when flying within New Zealand, infants travel for free when travelling on the lap of a parent or guardian.

Can I book non-stop flights to Christchurch?

Air New Zealand operate non-stop flights to Christchurch from all New Zealand's major cities. We fly daily from Auckland, Wellington, Dunedin and Queenstown. Non-stop Christchurch flights are possible from most airports in the South Island and some regional ports in the North Island.

From where in New Zealand can I fly to Christchurch?

You can fly to Christchurch from most Air New Zealand serviced airports in New Zealand. If you're flying from a smaller regional airport in the North Island, your flight may take you to Christchurch via the nearest main airport, such as Auckland or Wellington. Most of our South Island flights operate non-stop to Christchurch.

Which airlines offer non-stop flights to Christchurch?

Air New Zealand operate more non-stop flights to Christchurch than any other airline in New Zealand. No matter how often you need to fly, you can expect the same great, unique Kiwi experience on-board. Flying with us gives you greater peace of mind and confidence.

How long is the flight to Christchurch?

Non-stop flights to Christchurch don't take long. The longest non-stop flight, from Auckland to Christchurch is under 90 minutes. If you take two flights or fly from a regional destination, flight times will be longer.

How do I get to Christchurch city from Christchurch airport?

Travelers can board public buses from the north end of Christchurch Airport. The buses leave for the city and suburbs at regular intervals. They can get you to central Christchurch in about 35-40 minutes. Look for the Purple Line or the Blue 29 bus and buy your ticket from the driver. For a faster trip and more flexibility, book a taxi or a rental car with us when you book your Air New Zealand flight.

What can I do when I fly to Christchurch?

There's so much to do in and around Christchurch. Visit the rebuilt city centre, Hagley Park, the Avon River and Christchurch Botanic Gardens. Or enjoy the views of the mountains of the Southern Alps. The entire Canterbury region and its attractions are on the doorstep. Being in the heart of New Zealand's South Island, it's a great base to explore from. Amazing adventures in Queenstown, Hanmer Springs and the snow fields are only a few hours' drive away. Discover Christchurch for more information.

What is the three-letter code for Christchurch Airport?

Christchurch International Airport uses the IATA code CHC.

Compare & book Air NZ flights to Christchurch (CHC) departing over the next 11 months

FromAuckland (AKL)ToChristchurch (CHC)Per person, one way
Depart: 17 Jan 2025



Refreshed: 9 hrs ago

FromWellington (WLG)ToChristchurch (CHC)Per person, one way
Depart: 30 Mar 2025



Refreshed: 22 hrs ago

FromQueenstown (ZQN)ToChristchurch (CHC)Per person, one way
Depart: 08 Oct 2024



Refreshed: 4 hrs ago

FromDunedin (DUD)ToChristchurch (CHC)Per person, one way
Depart: 11 Jan 2025



Refreshed: 21 hrs ago

FromNelson (NSN)ToChristchurch (CHC)Per person, one way
Depart: 29 Mar 2025



Refreshed: 21 hrs ago

*Fares displayed have been available for flights searched within the last 24 hours and may not currently be available at time of booking. Flights may not be available at peak times or on all flights. Additional fees, including service/card payment fees may apply. Other terms and conditions may also apply.

What is the weather like in Christchurch?

Christchurch has a temperate climate. Summers are mild, with temperatures usually around the mid-twenties. There are occasional cool breezes from the Northeast, or a hot wind coming off the mountains from the Northwest – the Canterbury Nor'wester. Winters are cool, with nighttime temperatures dropping below freezing in cold winter months. If you're lucky you'll see snow in the city, and you can usually see snow caps on the nearby Southern Alps.
Air New Zealand
Air New Zealand awards and accreditations - 2024 World's Safest Airline (, 2023 Airline of the Year & Best Economy Class ( Top Cabin Concept (Crystal Cabin Awards). Cabin Concept of the Year (Onboard Hospitality Awards). Supreme award (World Travel Catering & Onboard Services Expo). See these and more Air New Zealand awards & accreditations. link will open in new window

*Fares displayed are one way.